3 Things an iWorker VA Can Do To Supercharge Your Email Marketing

3 Things an iWorker VA Can Do To Supercharge Your Email Marketing

Many online entrepreneurs dismiss email as unnecessary, or worse, a relic of a bygone era. However, email marketing is the single most effective channel for generating leads. It’s also the cheapest.

According to a Campaign Monitor report, entrepreneurs can expect an ROI of as much as $44 for every dollar spent on email marketing. Emails also generate 174% more conversions compared to social media. This allows small businesses to leverage their limited marketing budget to reach the widest possible audience.

But not all online entrepreneurs know how to maximize the power of email. It’s not enough to send an email blast to your mailing list. If you want to make the most of email, then you need to create and maintain a funnel.

And that’s where a virtual assistant, or a “VA”, comes in. A virtual assistant can help you manage your email funnel, saving you time, energy, and money that could otherwise be allocated towards growing your business.

I recently partnered with iWorker, a VA agency that links entrepreneurs with skilled professionals from developing countries. What makes iWorker different from other VA agencies is its social mission: iWorker primarily hires people from countries in crisis (like Venezuela) and gives them the opportunity to earn more money through remote work. Many iWorker VAs use their U.S. dollar earnings to secure better housing and pay for healthcare and other essentials.

I have experienced first-hand the wonders of having a VA. I contact iWorker every time I need people with certain skills (I encourage others to contact them too), and I rely on my VAs to sustain my business.

But what does this mean for you? You’re building your online business, and you want to create an email marketing campaign to generate new leads. Here are 3 things an iWorker VA can do for your business.

Mailing list management

Before you can craft a campaign for your business, first, you need to make sure you have enough people on your mailing list. A virtual assistant can help you in different ways to make this happen.

For instance, a VA with a web development background can add a subscription form to your website so you can grow your mailing list faster. A VA who specializes in lead generation can help you craft a strategy to incentivize visitors to sign up for your emails. A digital marketing VA can help segment your mailing list so you can target specific groups for better conversion.

Content design and creation

So you’ve started growing your mailing list. Now what?

Email marketing is one of the best ways to push information out to achieve your business goals. Just think about how companies routinely send out newsletters to let their customers know about promotions and updates. 

Your inbox must be full of brand emails, many of them duds, but I’m sure that one or two has compelled you to take action. For your email campaign to be effective, you need to invest in content. 

Few people are enticed by a huge block of text. You want to create emails that your target audience will find interesting and engaging. The right VA can help you with that. A copywriter can write killer subject lines and email copy. A graphic designer can design beautiful templates that resonate with your audience.

Customer service

Email is a two-way communication channel. You get access to your customers, and in turn, they get to contact you directly. You need someone to handle the volumes of replies you’re bound to receive. Having a VA for customer service ensures that every inbound message receives a prompt response.

I think it’s clear at this point that virtual assistants give you the bandwidth to plan, execute, and sustain your email marketing campaign. Contact iWorker if you need help assembling the right team for your business.


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