4 Reasons Why Email Marketing is Essential for E-Commerce Brands

4 Reasons Why Email Marketing is Essential for E-Commerce Brands

If email marketing is not a part of your e-commerce strategy, you are missing out on one of the most effective ways to grow your e-commerce business. You can use email marketing for so much more than just emailing customers with newsletters and promotions.

It is an integral part of any successful e-commerce campaign because it allows you to generate leads and increase customer engagement in other channels like social media. In this blog post, we will discuss some reasons why email marketing is essential for e-commerce brands.

Measurable And Trackable Results

Email Marketing gives you the ability to measure and track results. This means that your eCommerce strategies are not just based on gut feeling but rather on tangible data that can be used to make accurate predictions about what advertising methods will work best. 

For instance, if an email campaign was unsuccessful, it would likely mean that certain elements of the promotional messages were ineffective. This could be the subject line, email copy, the offer itself or something else like the sending time/day.

Email Marketing offers a measurable way of tracking email engagement. This can include the number of email campaigns sent, open rates, click-through rates, and other factors crucial to understanding what drives consumer behavior on email marketing channels.

Drive More Traffic Directly Back To Your Site From Emails Sent Out

Email Marketing also offers an easy way for eCommerce brands to drive traffic back to their websites by including links in email campaigns or sending promotions that are exclusive only to email subscribers. 

According to a study done by Experian/Bizrate Insights, nearly one-third of consumers purchased from companies they first heard about via email.

There’s no better time than now for eCommerce brands with physical products and services alike to get their hands on the power of email marketing.

A purchase doesn’t have to be made immediately, but keeping customers engaged is invaluable. An important part of this engagement process is increasing the number of touch points and ensuring that you stay front of mind for your customers, so that next time then need to buy a product its one of yours, and not your competitor!


Online marketing costs are one of the most significant factors that make email so cost-effective for e-Commerce businesses and other types of online retail companies, with email being as little as $0.40 per thousand emails sent or received depending on industry segmentation.

For comparison’s sake, Facebook ads are about $60-$150 per thousand impressions (or views), and Google Adwords can be anywhere from $70 to more than $200 depending on keyword competitiveness. In addition to its low cost, the email also has a high ROI rate in terms of conversions – it often converts at nearly four times the rate of social media posts.

Email Marketing Allows You To Tailor Content Based On Individual Preferences

Email marketing allows you to send personalized messages that are tailored to individual preferences. You can create email content based on your customers’ interests, which increases their likelihood of engaging with it and/or taking action in response.

You can personalize email content by using first names or other unique identifiers (such as coupon codes) to automatically pre-fill fields like salutations or subject lines. You could also tailor messages based on past browsing history, clicks, and purchases – use Live Chat software/a chatbot to enable personal conversations, so people feel more engaged and less pressured.

In Conclusion

It’s no secret that email marketing is one of the essential methods for generating revenue. The benefits of starting your own email marketing funnel are huge, and we want you to be ahead of the game by leveraging these advantages to increase sales.

We can help with a personalized plan tailored specifically for your business, including analytics, design, content creation, and more. Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how our team has helped other e-commerce companies like yours grow exponentially.


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