5 Strategies to Help Build Your Email List with Ease

5 Strategies to Help Build Your Email List with Ease

Email marketing is currently the most effective and preferred digital marketing method for many companies with an online presence. Between 79% and 87% of businesses utilize it as a primary means of distributing content to potential customers. However, its success as a marketing strategy relies heavily on first collecting email addresses. As a company, these are the contacts that you will strive to build a relationship with, promote your products to, and they could eventually convert into successful sales. Email list building is challenging, but with these tips, you too can get started on building a list of soon-to-be customers for your business.

  1. Blogs on your website get people to you.

People will often stumble onto your website when looking for a solution to a problem or an answer to a specific question that they have searched for online. It goes without saying that having a website can be instrumental in the growth of a business, but a blog may net even more traffic. Statistics indicate that about 77% of internet users read blogs daily. Creating and growing a blog section could be one of the better ways to attract more visitors to your website, a percentage of which could turn into email list signups.

  1. Carefully use pop-up forms on your website.

Interacting with your website is the most common way that potential clients could join your email list, and pop-up subscription forms can make it easier for them to do it. In fact, research shows that pop-up forms have an average conversion rate of about 3% across several industries. The operating term here is “carefully” because it is surprisingly easy for poorly executed pop-ups to be annoying and end up ignored. Carefully structure the content of your pop-up form to be clear, engaging, and not tedious to fill. Schedule it to appear a short while after visitors have looked through the content of your website and seen what you have to offer. These measures could net you some signups in your email list building campaign.

  1. Remember that value is a great incentive.

Few things online encourage people to volunteer their email addresses like benefits or free stuff. Your email list building strategy should include valuable offers such as the promise of a discount, free delivery with the first purchase, or free products or services that entice people to sign up. Think of something that you can offer either for free or at a discount exclusively to new visitors that become interested in your brand. Clearly describe it on your website or promote it on social media, and more people will likely fill in your sign-up form. Continue to deliver this value even after they have signed up so that they feel encouraged to continue interacting with your content even after they join your email list.

  1. Social media is your email list’s best friend.

While emails and social media are two different ways to market a business to the world, the two also work off each other very well. You can use your social media page to attract potential customers to your brand and encourage them to sign up and receive email communication from you. Hold giveaways, promote offers and make announcements on your social media posts. Include links to signup forms or your website directly on your social media pages. The following you have grown is already interested in your brand and will likely join your mailing list easily, given the right incentive.

  1. Focus on the quality of your content.

Good quality content is guaranteed to attract visitors to a website and eventually to your business. Your email list building success will ultimately depend on how good the content you’re offering potential customers is. Well written website copy can encourage a reader to sign up. A personalized, clear, and convincing call-to-action will spur them to join your mailing list. Valuable communication presented regularly after signup will retain their interest in your brand, keeping your click-through and conversion rates high. If the product or service that you offer is of good quality, then the promotional material and campaigns that you organize around it should be exceptional as well. It helps to attract new subscribers to your email list as well as to retain them!

Building your email list is the first step in growing a community around your brand. It can be particularly difficult to do it from scratch, but it is still possible. More resources are available to assist you now than there have ever been, and the population online continues to grow by the day. The best time to start building your email list is today.


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